Strathcona (36.6662°S, 142.8703°E, 151m AMSL) set as my default location ›
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Current condition
TODAY16° 30° mostly cloudy Chance of rain: 5% Likely amount: < 1mm First
lightLast light Sunrise Sunset 7:10am EDT 7:36am EDT 7:32pm EDT 7:57pm EDT NOW14.3° Feels Like: 13.6° Relative Humidity: 94% Dew: 13.3° Wind: SW 9km/h Gust: 13km/h Rainfall since 9am: 0.0mm Pressure: 1020.5hPa TODAY
Mostly cloudy14°29°5%
< 1mmStawell Now
Temperature 14.3° Feels Like 13.6° Dew Point 13.3° Rel. Humidity 94% Pressure 1020.5hPa Wind SW 9km/h Wind Gusts 13km/h Rainfall 0.0mm Updated 2:00 AM24-Hour Graph
7:57pm -
Strathcona for Wednesday,
StrathconaNow13.6°cFeels Like:13.9°Wind:N 0km/hGusts:2km/hHumidity:83%16°Min30°MaxToday in StrathconaPartly cloudy. Winds S/SE 15 to 20 km/h becoming light before dawn then becoming S/SE 15 to 25 km/h in the morning. Overnight temperatures falling to between 10 and 14 with daytime temperatures reaching 27 to 32.Tomorrow14°Min29°MaxSunny. Winds SE 15 to 25 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to between 9 and 12 with daytime temperatures reaching around 30. -
There are no current warnings for Strathcona
7 day forecast
Today: Partly cloudy. Winds S/SE 15 to 20 km/h becoming light before dawn then becoming S/SE 15 to 25 km/h in the morning. Overnight temperatures falling to between 10 and 14 with daytime temperatures reaching 27 to 32.
Forecast for Strathcona (36.6662°S, 142.8703°E, 151m AMSL) Wednesday
Mar 26Thursday
Mar 27Friday
Mar 28Saturday
Mar 29Sunday
Mar 30Monday
Mar 31Tuesday
Apr 116° 30° 14° 29° 16° 30° 19° 26° 16° 24° 16° 23° 13° 24° Mostly cloudy Sunny Mostly cloudy Late shower Mostly cloudy Mostly sunny Mostly sunny Rain Chance 5% 5% 10% 50% 30% 10% 40% Rain Amount < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm 1-5mm < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm UV index High High High High High High High Fire Danger Rating Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate No Rating - - Frost risk Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 12
(km/h)Wind S SSW SSE SSE E NE SSE S S S SSE SSE S SSW Humidity 69% 30% 66% 26% 63% 29% 64% 37% 72% 42% 71% 43% 68% 43% Dew point 12°C 11°C 10°C 7°C 12°C 10°C 13°C 11°C 12°C 11°C 11°C 9°C 10°C 10°C First light 7:10am 7:11am 7:12am 7:13am 7:13am 7:14am 7:15am Sunrise 7:36am 7:36am 7:37am 7:38am 7:39am 7:40am 7:41am Sunset 7:32pm 7:30pm 7:29pm 7:27pm 7:26pm 7:25pm 7:23pm Last light 7:57pm 7:56pm 7:55pm 7:53pm 7:52pm 7:50pm 7:49pm -
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