Climate History
Maryborough (25.5377°S, 152.7041°E, 1m AMSL) set as my default location ›
Last 7 days
Recently climate history in Maryborough (25.5377°S, 152.7041°E, 1m AMSL) Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Min Max 21.1° 31.8° 20.1° 32.8° 20.8° 26.3° 20.1° 29.5° 20.4° 30.9° 21.8° 35.4° 24.9° 33.9° Rainfall 0.0mm 0.0mm 1.2mm 16.2mm 0.0mm 0.0mm 0.0mm -
Max temp history
Maryborough maximum temp history (25.5377°S, 152.7041°E, 1m AMSL) Hottest ever this month 39.6° 21/01/2017 Hottest this year 37.7° 16/01/2025 Hottest this month 37.7° 16/01/2025 Long term average 30.7° Average this month 30.8° Hottest January on record Avg. max. temp. 34.2° 2017 -
Min temp history
Maryborough minimum temp history (25.5377°S, 152.7041°E, 1m AMSL) Coldest ever 13.3° 01/01/1963 Coldest this year 17.0° 07/01/2025 Coldest this month 17.0° 07/01/2025 Long term average 20.8° Average this month 20.3° Coldest January on record Avg. min. temp. 18.6° 1966 -
Mean rainfall and temperature
Mean rainfall and temperature