Nhill (36.3329°S, 141.6506°E, 134m AMSL) set as my default location ›
Current condition
TOMORROW11° 30° Chance of rain: 5% Likely amount: < 1mm First
lightLast light Sunrise Sunset 7:16am EDT 7:42am EDT 7:36pm EDT 8:01pm EDT NOW28.5° Feels Like: 22.5° Relative Humidity: 24% Dew: 6.0° Wind: SE 26km/h Gust: 35km/h Rainfall since 9am: 0.0mm Pressure: 1018.8hPa -
Today Weather
NhillNow27.6°cFeels Like:22.7°Wind:E 26km/hGusts:33km/hHumidity:34%11°Min30°MaxToday in NhillSunny. Winds SE 15 to 25 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to between 9 and 12 with daytime temperatures reaching around 30.Tomorrow11°Min30°MaxThe chance of fog in the SW in the early morning. Mostly sunny day. Slight chance of a shower in the late afternoon and evening. Winds E/SE 15 to 20 km/h turning NE in the late morning. Overnight temperatures falling to between 10 and 15 with daytime temperatures reaching the low 30s. -
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There are no current warnings for Nhill
7 day forecast
Today: Sunny. Winds SE 15 to 25 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to between 9 and 12 with daytime temperatures reaching around 30.
Forecast for Nhill (36.3329°S, 141.6506°E, 134m AMSL) Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Summary Minimum 11° 13° 14° 12° 12° 9° 10° Maximum 30° 32° 29° 26° 24° 24° 25° Chance of rain 5% 20% 20% 20% 30% 5% 20% Likely amount < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm < 1mm UV index High High High High High High High Fire Danger Rating Moderate Moderate High High - - - Frost risk Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm 9am 3pm Wind speed 17
(km/h)Wind direction SSE SE E ENE S S S S SSE SSE SE S WSW W Relative humidity 74% 25% 61% 26% 63% 31% 75% 41% 71% 33% 76% 33% 74% 34% Dew point 10°C 7°C 10°C 9°C 11°C 9°C 11°C 11°C 10°C 6°C 9°C 6°C 10°C 7°C -
28 Day Rainfall forecast
12 Month Rainfall Forecast
Nhill Rain Forecast
Nhill 12-month Rainfall ForecastMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFeb20252026976667746986105012 - 34 - 78 - 910Well below normalBelow normalNear normalAbove normalWell above normalIssue Notes - Issued Feb 25
ENSO status: La Niña-like conditions. IOD status: Neutral. SAM status: Positive. Trending neutral. The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is in a La Niña-like pattern. The US declaring a La Niña event has started, but this event has not met the BoM definition. A La Niña typically increases rainfall over northern and eastern Australia, while reducing rainfall over southern coastal Australia and western Tas. The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is in a neutral phase and does not play a part in Australia's climate during this time of year. The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) is in a short positive phase. Recent forecasts no particular evidence towards a positive or negative phase in autumn, although the long-wave pattern indicates that cold fronts are a bit more likely for Australia's longitudes over the next few months. During summer and early autumn, a positive SAM increases rainfall over most of eastern Australia, and decreases rainfall for SA, Vic and western Tas. Rainfall outlooks are showing aboveaverage rainfall over large parts of northern Australia in March and early April (forecast late monsoon activity). Above average rainfall is expected for the NSW coast through autumn, with wetter conditions also developing over western WA from late autumn. SA, Vic and Tas are expected to be average to slightly below average, with average conditions elsewhere.
Popup - Daily historical
Long range rainfall forecast
Past 5 Days
Nhill Past 5 Days
This MonthMinimum Maximum Rainfall Saturday
Mar 228.6 °C 25.3 °C 0.0 mmSunday
Mar 239.3 °C 28.2 °C 0.0 mmMonday
Mar 249.7 °C 27.2 °C 0.0 mmTuesday
Mar 257.7 °C 30.6 °C 0.0 mmWednesday
Mar 2611.3 °C 30.7 °C 0.0 mmLegend -
Nhill minimum temp history (36.3329°S, 141.6506°E, 134m AMSL) MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE Hottest this month 40.8° 15/03/2025 Coldest this month 6.9° 17/03/2025 Hottest on record 41.2 12/03/2006 Coldest on record 2.0 26/03/2005 Hottest this year 42.4° 02/02/2025 Coldest this year 6.3° 16/02/2025 Long term average 27.3° Long term average 11.6° Average this month 30.6° Average this month 13.2° Hottest March On Record Avg. max. temp. 30.5° 2008 Coldest March on record Avg. min. temp. 9.1° 2004 Nhill rainfall history (36.3329°S, 141.6506°E, 134m AMSL) RAINFALL Wettest This Month 8.0mm 21/03/2025 Total This Month 10.4mm
3.0 daysLong Term Average 15.2mm 5.6 days Wettest March on record 46.2mm 2011 Driest on record 1.2mm 2005 -
Year to Date
Nhill Year To Date
Average Rainfall To Mar 56.2mm 13.6 day(s) Total For 2025 25.0mm 6.0 day(s) Total To This Day 2024 85.4mm 10.0 day(s) Wettest Day 11.0mm Jan 6 Lowest Temperature 6.3°C Feb16 Highest Temperature 42.4°C Feb 2 -
Popup - Radar
Weather Radar for Australia
Australia Radars
- Adelaide
- Adelaide Airport
- Adelaide Sellicks
- Albany
- Alice Springs
- Bairnsdale
- Bowen
- Brewarrina
- Brisbane
- Brisbane Airport
- Brisbane Marburg
- Broadmeadows
- Broome
- Cairns
- Cairns Airport
- Canberra
- Carnarvon
- Ceduna
- Coffs Harbour
- Dampier
- Darwin
- Darwin Airport
- Emerald
- Esperance
- Eucla
- Geraldton
- Giles
- Gladstone
Popup - Monthly historical
Climate History
Nhill Climatology
Nhill Long-Term Averages
Long-Term Averages Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ann Mean Max (°C) 31.4 30.4 27.3 22.5 17.8 14.6 14.0 15.6 18.4 22.4 26.2 28.9 22.4 Mean Min (°C) 14.0 13.4 11.6 9.0 6.7 4.8 4.4 4.8 5.8 7.4 10.3 12.2 8.7 Mean Rain (mm) 27.0 14.0 15.2 21.2 30.0 40.3 35.1 43.1 31.8 33.8 31.7 26.9 350.3 Mean Rain Days 4.4 3.6 5.6 6.8 12.0 16.0 17.8 16.5 13.5 9.2 7.2 6.4 119.0